Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are mostly composed of carbon, hydrogen and usually oxygen. They may also contain nitrogen, sulfur and halogenated compounds such as chlorine, bromine and fluorine.

These compounds can be highly polluting and must be treated before being released into the atmosphere. The treatment can be done using thermal oxidation systems such as RTO (Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer), RCO (Regenerative Catalytic Oxidizer), DFTO (Direct Fired Thermal Oxidizer), etc. These systems combine compounds with oxygen to realize a combustion reaction, resulting in the production of carbon dioxide and water and thus eliminating their potential to harm the environment.

Problem caused by VOC emissions


VOCs become volatile at a certain temperature. In other words, they are compounds that partially evaporate when they move from the liquid phase to the gas phase. As a result, it is illegal to release them directly into the atmosphere and must therefore be treated with suitable equipment.

In relation to their harmfulness, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) can be classified into 3 groups based on their danger to the health of living organisms and the environment:

  1. Compounds extremely dangerous to health: benzene, vinyl chloride and 1,2 dichloroethane.
  2. Class A compounds: those that can cause significant damage to the environment: acetaldehyde, aniline, trichloroethylene, etc.
  3. Class B compounds: they have a lower impact on the environment. Among others, alcohols and ketones.

Which industrial sectors are affected?


Many different industries emit VOCs during their production processes. Examples include the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, which use large amounts of volatile solvents; and the petrochemical and fuel storage industries. The paints, coatings, printing and automotive industries are also regular producers of these types of pollutants.

EXUS solutions for VOC emissions

We combine the most effective technologies available on the market to develop solutions that can reduce these pollutants by up to 99.9% in highly complex applications.

With EXUS you can always count on tailor-made solutions and, where necessary, on the development of specific components, software and/or materials.
The systems that EXUS proposes for the abatement of VOCs are: