Halogenated compounds

Halogenated compounds are those that contain a halogen element; In other words, those whose composition includes molecules of chlorine, bromine, fluorine, iodine, etc.

Many organic compounds may contain halogens in their molecular structure.
EXUS focuses its efforts on the treatment of volatile halogenated organic compounds, which damage the ozone layer and the environment when they are released into the atmosphere. The most common compounds we treat are organic molecules containing chlorine.

Problem caused by halogenated compounds


Halogenated compounds can contaminate water, soil and air, as well as plants and animals, and can also damage the ozone layer. The decomposition of the compound can give rise to inorganic compounds that can have a direct impact on plants and animals near the source of the release and can also result in the production of acid rain.

Which industrial sectors are affected?


The petrochemical, food, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, textile, paper and plastics industries, among others, along with industrial treatment plants.

EXUS solutions for the abatement of halogenated compounds

Our technological solutions combine RTO and scrubber systems. By combining these 
two technologies, we are able 
to reduce emissions and their impact on the atmosphere 
and the environment.

the RTO allows any volatile halogenated organic compound to be converted into more basic (inorganic) compounds, which are then processed by scrubbers.

The plants that EXUS proposes for the abatement of halogenated compounds are: