Acids (SOx)

Acidity of gas streams can be caused by sulphur oxides or halide ion compounds.

Sulfur oxides (SOx) are compounds formed by sulfur and oxygen, while halogen acids are formed by hydrogen and halogens.
Typically, they are generated in the combustion chambers by compounds that contain sulfur or halogens.

Problem caused by acids


Acid gases have an anthropic origin: in other words, they are generated by human activity. Most of these emissions are generated by fossil fuel industries, in which compounds containing sulfur or chlorine are burned.

When these fuels are burned, they generate molecules, which combine with water in the atmosphere to form acid rain. As a result, they are very dangerous for the environment.

Since they are acidic in nature, they are treated with dry, semi-wet and wet systems.

  1. Dry systems: these systems use lime or baking soda in the form of dry powder to react with acid compounds. Then, bag filters can be used to remove solid particles.
  2. Semi-wet systems: these systems are based on absorption by spraying. The absorbent agent is injected, in the form of a suspension, into the gas to be treated into a contact reactor. A subsequent filtering phase is also required.
  3. Wet systems: these systems commonly use scrubbers with a basic solution (usually with caustic soda, NaOH) to neutralize acid gases. 

Which industrial sectors are affected?


Most of the sulfur dioxide released into the environment comes from chemical, petrochemical and waste incineration industries, as well as power plants.

EXUS solutions for acids

Since they are acidic in nature, they are treated with dry, semi-wet and wet systems.

the RTO allows any volatile halogenated organic compound to be converted into more basic (inorganic) compounds, which are then processed by scrubbers.

The plants that EXUS proposes for the abatement of halogenated compounds are: